Dear friends and family,
Finally, the Deech's have a blog! This site will be updated periodically so everyone near and dear to us can read about our family's on-goings. And what better time than now, as our son Julian just turned one.
This year has been filled with so much excitement, change, learning, and love. Our hearts grew bigger, our love stronger, and our sleep, well, it got shorter. Julian graced us with his arrival a bit earlier than we expected, but in the end, it has just meant more time for us to know him. In these 12 months, we've seen it all- but what never ceases to amaze us is how each passing day with him seems to be better than the one before.
From sitting up, to rolling, to laughing to crawling, Julian seems to change so quickly, and has won the heart of everyone he meets.
So to commemorate this amazing year, in honor of this amazing boy, we spent the day at the beach where his daddy spent most of his summer days as a child. Happy Birthday Julian Joseph DiChiara! Thank you for every special moment of this most special year.

I love your blog! I miss you guys! See you soon.
Great, another blog to add to my favourites...I will check back often!!
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